Child Protection and Safeguarding

Austin School recognises its responsibilities for the safety and well-being of its pupils. We ensure that Austin School is a safe, harmonious and supportive environment for our pupils. The well-being of our pupils is at the forefront of all that Austin School does.  All members of Austin School staff are obligated to, both morally and legally, ensure the safety of all our pupils.  All suspected cases of child abuse are immediately reported to the school’s Designated School Safety Officer. 

Our safeguarding principles are:

  • The school is responsible for the safety and welfare of all our pupils and their safety is of the utmost importance to the school.
  • All academic staff members must have attained or be committed to attaining School Safety Officer Initial Certification Training.
  • All children, regardless of age, creed, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion or sexual identity have the right to, and deserve, equal rights and equal protection.
  • All staff have an equal responsibility to act to ensure that no child comes to harm.
  • Appropriate support will be offered to all staff and pupils.